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Amurgul bizonilor
: 詩 2006-03-08 (9534 ヒット数)
Atmosferă nocturnă
: 詩 2009-03-09 (8266 ヒット数)
Biografie enigmatică
: 詩 2009-08-23 (11052 ヒット数)
: 詩 2009-07-13 (11719 ヒット数)
: 詩 2005-06-01 (13690 ヒット数)
Concert de fanfară
: 詩 2016-03-03 (6721 ヒット数)
: 詩 2005-08-31 (10269 ヒット数)
Eu sunt poporul - sunt gloata
: 詩 2009-07-13 (7146 ヒット数)
Fermierul din Illinois
: 詩 2009-07-13 (7483 ヒット数)
: 詩 2009-08-18 (8518 ヒット数)
: 詩 2005-06-01 (14667 ヒット数)
: 詩 2006-03-10 (9194 ヒット数)
Între două dealuri
: 詩 2009-08-23 (10795 ヒット数)
: Traducere în limba română de Ion Vatamanu 詩 2009-07-03 (9989 ヒット数)
: 詩 2009-02-03 (7271 ヒット数)
: 詩 2009-08-18 (8072 ヒット数)
Portetul automobilului
: 詩 2009-08-18 (7538 ヒット数)
: 詩 2009-07-13 (7458 ヒット数)
: 詩 2009-08-23 (8522 ヒット数)
Rugă de oțel
: 詩 2009-08-18 (10004 ヒット数)
Să cunoști liniștea pînă la capăt
: 詩 2008-10-21 (8244 ヒット数)
: 詩 2009-08-23 (8682 ヒット数)
Vorbe într-o cabană din porumb
: 詩 2009-04-13 (7968 ヒット数)
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プロファイル Carl Sandburg
Carl Sandburg (January 6, 1878 – July 22, 1967) was an American writer and editor, best known for his poetry. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, one for his poetry and another for a biography of Abraham Lincoln. H. L. Mencken called Carl Sandburg "indubitably an American in every pulse-beat."
Sandburg was born in Galesburg, Illinois to Swedish ancestry. At the age of thirteen he left school and began driving a milk wagon. He subsequently became a bricklayer and a farm laborer on the wheat plains of Kansas.[1] After an interval spent at Lombard College in Galesburg,[2] he became a hotel servant in Denver, then a coal-heaver in Omaha. He began his writing career as a journalist for the Chicago Daily News. Later he wrote poetry, history, biographies, novels, children's literature, and film reviews. Sandburg also collected and edited books of ballads and folklore. He spent most of his life in the Midwest before moving to North Carolina.
Sandburg fought in the Spanish-American War with the 6th Illinois Infantry, and participated in the invasion of Guánica, Puerto Rico on July 25, 1898. He attended West Point for just two weeks, for failing mathematics and a grammar exam. Sandburg returned to Galesburg and entered Lombard College, but left without a degree in 1903.
He moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and joined the Social Democratic Party. Sandburg served as a secretary to Mayor Emil Seidel, mayor of Milwaukee from 1910 to 1912; Seidel was the first person to be elected mayor of a U.S. city on a socialist platform.
Sandburg met Lilian Steichen at the Social Democratic Party office in 1907, and they married the next year. Lilian's brother was the photographer Edward Steichen. Sandburg with his wife, whom he called Paula, raised three daughters.
Sandburg moved to Harbert, Michigan, and then suburban Chicago, Illinois. They lived in Evanston, Illinois before settling at 331 S. York Street in Elmhurst, Illinois from 1919 to 1930. Sandburg wrote three children's books in Elmhurst, Rootabaga Stories, in 1922, followed by Rootabaga Pigeons (1923), and Potato Face (1930). Sandburg also wrote Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years, a two volume biography in 1926, The American Songbag (1927), and a book of poems Good Morning, America (1928) in Elmhurst. The family moved to Michigan in 1930. The Sandburg house at 331 S. York Street, Elmhurst was demolished and the site is now a parking lot.
He moved to a Flat Rock, North Carolina estate, Connemara, in 1945 and lived there until his death in 1967.
Sandburg supported the civil rights movement, and contributed to the NAACP.
Much of Carl Sandburg's poetry, such as "Chicago", focused on Chicago, Illinois, where he spent time as a reporter for the Chicago Daily News and the Day Book. His most famous description of the city is as "Hog Butcher for the World/Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat/Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler,/Stormy, Husky, Brawling, City of the Big Shoulders."
Sandburg is also remembered by generations of children for his Rootabaga Stories and Rootabaga Pigeons, a series of whimsical, sometimes melancholy stories he originally created for his own daughters. The Rootabaga Stories were born of Sandburg's desire for "American fairy tales" to match American childhood. He felt that the European stories involving royalty and knights were inappropriate, and so populated his stories with skyscrapers, trains, corn fairies and the "Five Marrvelous Pretzels".
Sandburg earned one Pulitzer Prize for his collection The Complete Poems of Carl Sandburg, and another for his biography of Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln: The War Years). He was awarded a Grammy Award in 1959 for Best Performance - Documentary Or Spoken Word (Other Than Comedy) for his recording of Aaron Copland's Lincoln Portrait with the New York Philharmonic.
Selected list of works
Here is an incomplete list of books and anthologies published by Sandburg:
In Reckless Ecstasy (1904) (poetry) (originally published as Charles Sandburg)
Abe Lincoln Grows Up (N/A)
Incidentals (1904) (poetry and prose) (originally published as Charles Sandburg)
Plaint of a Rose (1908) (poetry) (originally published as Charles Sandburg)
Joseffy (1910) (prose) (originally published as Charles Sandburg)
You and Your Job (1910) (prose) (originally published as Charles Sandburg)
Chicago Poems (1916) (poetry)
Cornhuskers (1918) (poetry)
Chicago Race Riots (1919) (prose) (with an introduction by Walter Lippmann)
Clarence Darrow of Chicago (1919) (prose)
Smoke and Steel (1920) (poetry)
Rootabaga Stories (1920) (children's stories)
Slabs of the Sunburnt West (1922) (poetry)
Rootabaga Pigeons (1923) (children's stories)
Selected Poems (1926) (poetry)
Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years (1926) (biography)
The American Songbag (1927) (folk songs)
Songs of America (1927) (folk songs) (collected by Sandburg; edited by Alfred V. Frankenstein)
Abe Lincoln Grows Up (1928) (biography [primarily for children])
Good Morning, America (1928) (poetry)
Steichen the Photographer (1929) (history)
Early Moon (1930) (poetry)
Potato Face (1930) (children's stories)
Mary Lincoln: Wife and Widow (1932) (biography)
The People, Yes (1936) (poetry)
Abraham Lincoln: The War Years (1939) (biography)
Storm over the Land (1942) (biography) (excerpts from Sandburg's own Abraham Lincoln: The War Years)
Road to Victory (1942) (exhibition catalog) (text by Sandburg; images compiled by Edward Steichen and published by the Museum of Modern Art)
Home Front Memo (1943) (essays)
Remembrance Rock (1948) (novel)
Lincoln Collector: the story of the Oliver R. Barrett Lincoln collection (1949) (prose)
The New American Songbag (1950) (folk songs)
Complete Poems (1950) (poetry)
The wedding procession of the rag doll and the broom handle and who was in it (1950) (children's story)
Always the Young Strangers (1953) (autobiography)
Selected poems of Carl Sandburg (1954) (poetry) (edited by Rebecca West)
The Family of Man (1955) (exhibition catalog) (introduction; images compiled by Edward Steichen)
Prairie-town boy (1955) (autobiography) (essentially excerpts from Always the Young Strangers)
Sandburg Range (1957) (prose and poetry)
Harvest Poems, 1910-1960 (1960) (poetry)
Wind Song (1960) (poetry)
Honey and Salt (1963) (poetry)
The Letters of Carl Sandburg (1968) (autobiographical/correspondence) (edited by Herbert Mitgang)
Breathing Tokens (poetry by Sandburg, edited by Margaret Sandburg) (1978) (poetry)
Ever the Winds of Chance (1983) (autobiography) (started by Sandburg, completed by Margaret Sandburg and George Hendrick)
Carl Sandburg at the movies : a poet in the silent era, 1920-1927 (1985) (selections of his reviews of silent movies - collected and edited by Dale Fetherling and Doug Fetherling)
Billy Sunday and other poems (1993) (edited with an introduction by George Hendrick and Willene Hendrick)
Poems for children nowhere near old enough to vote (1999) (compiled and with an introduction by George and Willene Hendrick)
Abraham Lincoln : the prairie years and the war years (2007) (illustrated edition with an introduction by Alan Axelrod)
"Fog" (You Know When)(poetry)